NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan
2026-2030 NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan
Provide input on how NIH can continue to improve minority health and reduce health disparities
RFI due Dec. 31 | Virtual townhalls conducted Nov. 15 & Dec. 4
Get involvedThis strategic plan was launched in 2021 and is being implemented through December 31, 2025. NIH is currently updating the strategic plan to ensure it is aligned with the current Administration’s priorities and complies with this Administration’s Executive Orders. The updated version will be posted once available.
National Institutes of Health Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Charged with leading scientific research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities, NIMHD developed the 2021-2025 NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan in collaboration with all NIH Institutes, Offices and Centers and externally with experts and communities impacted by health disparities. This strategic plan demonstrates the commitment of all of NIH to improving minority health and reducing health disparities.
Introduction: NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan
Minority Health and Health Disparities: Definitions and Parameters
NIH and HHS Commitment
Foundation for Planning
Structure of This Plan
Strategic Plan Categories
Summary of Categories and Goals
Scientific Goals, Research Strategies and Priority Areas
Research-Sustaining Activities: Goals, Strategies, and Priority Areas
Outreach, Collaboration, and Dissemination: Goals and Strategies
Leap Forward Research Challenge
Future Plans
Past Plans
NIH Health Disparities Strategic Plan and Budget, FY2009-2013
- This plan was extended to FY2016.
NIH Health Disparities Strategic Plan and Budget, FY2004-2008
NIH Health Disparities Strategic Plan and Budget, FY2002-2006
Page updated March 12, 2024 | published March 31, 2021