NIMHD DSS: Dr. David Meltzer
Effects of Comprehensive Care in a Socioeconomically Diverse Minority Population

David Meltzer, M.D., Ph.D.
Fanny L. Pritzker Professor of Medicine, Public Policy and Economics
The University of Chicago
Virtual seminar conducted
April 6, 2023
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET
Presentation Objectives
- Review the problem of care fragmentation and care coordination
- Describe the Comprehensive Care Physician (CCP) model
- Describe the Comprehensive Care, Community and Culture Program (C4P)
- Discuss opportunities to disseminate, implement and study the CCP and C4P models to address the needs of socioeconomically diverse populations more broadly
David Meltzer, M.D., Ph.D., is Chief of the Section of Hospital Medicine, Director of the Center for Health and the Social Sciences and the University of Chicago Urban Health Lab, and Chair of the Committee on Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Chicago. He is also the Fanny L. Pritzker Professor in the Department of Medicine, the Harris School of Public Policy Studies, and the Department of Economics.
Dr. Meltzer’s research explores problems in health economics and public policy with a focus on the theoretical foundations of medical cost-effectiveness analysis and the cost and quality of hospital care. He has developed and studied the Comprehensive Care Physician (CCP) model, which seeks to improve outcomes for patients at increased risk of hospitalization by allowing them to receive inpatient and outpatient care from the same doctor. In addition, he has created an enhanced version of that model to better identify and address unmet social needs. He has also led multiple training grants and contributed to the development of multiple research networks.
Dr. Meltzer completed his graduate work at the University of Chicago where he earned both a Doctor of Medicine degree and Ph.D. in economics. His residency in internal medicine was completed at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. His awards include the Garfield Award from Research America, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Eisenberg Excellence in Mentoring Award, and the Association of American Medical Colleges Learning Healthcare System Award. Dr. Meltzer is also a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Go to Dr. Meltzer’s full bio.
Seminar Logistics
- The seminar will be videocast and available on this page and in the NIH Video archives after the presentation.
- Sign language interpreters will be provided upon request.
Individuals who need reasonable accommodation to participate should contact Edgar Dews (phone: 301-402-1366) at least five business days before the event.
Page updated Dec. 19, 2024