NIMHD DSS: Dr. Alicia Fernandez
How Language Barriers Contribute to Health Care Disparities

Alicia Fernandez, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean of Population Health and Health Equity
UCSF School of Medicine
Founding Director, Latinx Center of Excellence
University of California San Francisco
Virtual seminar conducted
September 21, 2023
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET
Presentation Objectives
- The impact of language barriers on clinical communication, patient experience and trust
- Recent research on the impact of language barriers and clinical outcome
- Set out research agenda in field
Alicia Fernandez, M.D. is a clinician, researcher and academic. She is the founding director of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Latinx Center of Excellence, a Health Resources and Services Administration and UCSF-funded initiative to increase academic diversity. Dr. Fernandez' research expertise includes language and literacy barriers in healthcare, health care equity in chronic disease, particularly diabetes, and racism in medicine. She directs the Latinx and Immigrant Health Research Program at the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations, which generates actionable research to increase health equity and reduce healthcare disparities. Go to Dr. Fernandez’s full bio
Seminar Logistics
- The seminar will be videocast and available on this page and in the NIH Video archives after the presentation.
- Sign language interpreters will be provided upon request.
Individuals who need reasonable accommodation to participate should contact Edgar Dews (phone: 301-402-1366) at least five business days before the event.
Page updated Nov. 3, 2023