NIH to support radical approaches to nationwide COVID-19 testing and surveillance

December 21, 2020 — RADx-rad program will fund non-traditional and repurposed technologies to combat the current pandemic and address future viral disease outbreaks.
Here you will find press releases, media advisories, and media notes produced by NIMHD, as well as NIH. These offer a glance into the research, medical advances, and activities that define NIMHD.
December 21, 2020 — RADx-rad program will fund non-traditional and repurposed technologies to combat the current pandemic and address future viral disease outbreaks.
December 8, 2020 — NIMHD is proud to support and collaborate on this trans-NIH effort to invest in cohorts of diverse, early-stage research faculty; support institution-based strategies to nurture this talent pool; rigorously assess impact; and share lessons learned with the broader biomedical research community.
November 17, 2020 — Studies to focus on women from racial and ethnic minority groups, women with underprivileged socioeconomic status, and those living in underserved rural settings.
September 30, 2020 — The RADx Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program will support projects designed to rapidly implement testing strategies focused on populations disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
September 16, 2020 — COVID-19 awareness and education research will focus on African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and American Indians—populations accounting for over half of reported U.S. cases. The NIH-wide effort, led by NIMHD and NHLBI, will promote and facilitate their inclusion and participation in vaccine and therapeutic clinical trials.
February 11, 2020 — Less than one in four adolescent men who have sex with men (AMSM) ever get tested for HIV, research funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), part of the National Institutes of Health, has reported.
Page updated July 22, 2021
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