2020 Approved Research Concepts
Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities
The purpose of this NIH-wide initiative is to support (1) observational research to understand the role of structural racism and discrimination (SRD) in causing and sustaining health disparities, and (2) research testing interventions that address SRD in order to improve minority health or reduce health disparities.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs): A Promising Health Services Model for Advancing Health Equity
This initiative will support research that investigates the effectiveness of school-based health centers (SBHCs) as a health services care delivery model to address the needs of youth from populations experiencing health disparities (hence, vulnerable youth), including those at higher risk for poor health outcomes, such as sexual and gender minorities.
Patient-Clinician Communication and Relationship: An Opportunity to Affect Health Outcomes in Populations Experiencing Health Disparities
This initiative will support research to (1) gain an understanding of how the Patient-Clinician Communication and/or Relationship (PCC/R) in the primary care and chronic disease care settings affects health outcomes in populations experiencing health disparities, and (2) identify best practices and interventions such as approaches, skills, and tools that build and improve PCC/R leading to better health outcomes.
Resource Center for the Tribal Epidemiology Centers (RC-TEC)
This initiative will support a resource center to enhance the capacity of the Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) to collect or compile data that can be used in health research and/or to directly engage in health research focused on American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations and to develop research capacity among early-stage investigators based in the TECs.
Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities
This initiative will support innovative health services research that can directly and demonstrably contribute to the improvement of minority health and/or the reduction of health disparities at the health care system level as well as within clinical settings.
Addressing Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality and Morbidity
The purpose of this initiative is to support research that tests clinical, social behavioral and health care system interventions to address racial disparities in maternal mortality and morbidity (MMM) in the United States.
Comprehensive Care for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus from Populations Experiencing Health Disparities
This initiative will support research to develop and test multi-level strategies to effectively implement recommended guidelines of comprehensive clinical care for individuals with Type 2 diabetes from populations experiencing health disparities and optimize patient engagement and self-management.
Page updated Jan. 12, 2024