NIMHD Loves Public Service Because …

NIMHD is joining the NIH community in celebrating Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) to honor the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, and local government employees. Celebrated the first week of May since 1985, PSRW’s 2014 theme is “Proud to Serve” and NIMHD is celebrating by participating in the “I ‘Heart’ Public Service” photo campaign.
To participate in the program, NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) were encouraged to take photos holding a sign stating why they love public service. NIMHD found it to be a great opportunity to share the reasons the Institute supports public service and why NIMHD staff are proud to serve.

PRSW is organized annually by the Public Employees Roundtable with the Partnership for Public Service. To learn more about PSRW and to see the IC photos, visit and visit the below social media websites.
PSRW Facebook page:
NIH Office of Human Resources (OHR) Facebook page:
NIH OHR Twitter page: