News Releases & Announcements
Here you will find press releases, media advisories, media notes and announcements produced by NIMHD, as well as NIH. These offer a glance into the research, medical advances, and activities that define NIMHD.
Dec. 9, 2024: Dr. Kelvin Choi will serve as the third permanent scientific director of the Division of Intramural Research. Acting in the role since March 2023, he’ll continue leading the intramural research program, focusing on health disparities research and mentoring scientists.
News Release
Aug. 26, 2024: Winners in the Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge have been selected. NIMHD funds the Healthcare Technologies for Low-Resource Settings prize, which challenges the next generation to develop solutions to meet the health care needs of underrepresented populations.
Aug. 21, 2024: The HDPulse Interventions Portal provides easy access to evidenced-based and actionable interventions shown to improve minority health and reduce health disparities. The new tool helps researchers, health care professionals, and community health workers make informed decisions about appropriate interventions for specific populations in their communities.
Feb. 22, 2024: Members of the council are drawn from the scientific, medical, and lay communities, so they offer diverse perspectives on minority health and health disparities.
News Release
Sept. 27, 2023: Awards to community organizations will enable examination of structural drivers of health.
News Release
Sept. 26, 2023: NIMHD Director, in consultation with AHRQ Director, designate new health disparity population and announce funding opportunity in disabilities research.
News Release
Sept. 7, 2023: Funds from NHGRI, NIMHD, the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy, and the NIH All of Us Research Program will provide new educational and research opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds, including those from groups historically underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
Aug. 1, 2023: John Lewis Research Endowment Program grants awarded to six institutional endowments to expand minority health and health disparities research infrastructure and training.
May 24, 2023: Dr. Monica Webb Hooper, NIMHD Deputy Director, recognized for her leadership and influence across biomedical and behavioral research.
News Release
May 16, 2023: Ground-breaking study provides national and state-level estimates of the economic burden of health disparities by race and ethnicity and educational levels. Video release: The Staggering Cost of Health Inequities
Media Availability
Nov. 4, 2022: Agency leaders discuss new research plan to address the risk to human health posed by a changing climate in a commentary published in The Lancet.
News Release
June 16, 2022: County-level data provides unprecedented detail by geography and population groups. Video News Release: Life expectancy in the US by race and ethnicity
News Release
March 29, 2022: Large NIH-funded study published in Annals of Family Medicine suggests factors beyond affordability influence disparities in health care utilization.
Media Availability
Feb. 24, 2022: Study highlights the need for public health messaging strategies that address biases against all population groups that have been marginalized.
Page updated Dec. 9, 2024